Thursday, July 12, 2012

Playing catch up

A little run down on the family...

Me & Nathen are the same 'ol same 'ol

Eden is a MESS!  (haha) our little sour patch kid. She will be 4 in August (gah! time flies) and will be starting pre-school. I'm going to cry, I just know it and there's no doubt in my mind that she will go and not even look back. It's only 2 days a week but still! 
She has been the BEST big sister ever, she is better than I thought she would be. Not a jealous bone in her body and nothing but love for her "baby broder". She loves to help change his diaper and then say "ew!" and not help when it gets to the actual diaper changing, so in reality, she loves to get me what I need to change his diaper and then leave me to handle the mess (just like daddy haha).
 She has started gymnastics and loves it! I'm so glad that she has a safe place to go and tumble and let out her energy, this child feels no pain! Her current obsession is The Fresh Beat Band so needless to say, I KNOW all the words to their songs and even their dance moves and we have our own concert here at home. Well, I do, she makes me dance and sing, I'm her Fresh Beat Band slave. She's so smart and I'm so excited to see her grow up and see her goofy personality come out!

The newest addition to our family, Desmond, is a high maintenance handful but I wouldn't have him any other way (well maybe lol). He loves being held and he'll let you know if he's unhappy (insert banshee cry). He & Eden are going to tag team against me and be a destructive little pair, I already know it. He loves his big sister and laughs at everything she does. Daddy puts him to sleep the best and he (Desmond not Nathen) "sings" as he's falling asleep, it's so cute. 
He is a BIG baby, I was so used to having petite little Eden that I didn't know how hard it was to have a big baby. By big he's pushing 20 pounds at 7 1/2 months and is 29.5 inches long. He's wearing 12 month size clothes but that can also be because of his big ol cloth diaper booty (hehe). He loves to kick his legs (future soccer player!) and he's starting to get more mobile. He's not crawling yet and I'm not sure exactly how he does it but he will move from one side of his blanket to the other side all without crawling (I personally think he can apparate but that's just my theory ;D). His bottom 2 teeth are coming in (yikes!) and he's just growing like crazy. Time, slow down, ok? thanks.